Monday, April 11, 2022

Marathon Training: Week Ten

 Week ten has come and gone with the wind. It's been a good week.


I had a very strong training week with no setbacks. I'm  having some days of pretty extreme tiredness but also days of extreme energy. I know this is normal with heavy training and just try to get a little extra sleep when needed. 

This last week I had a great talk with a running friend about "training." She loves to train, probably more than the race itself. Training can get pretty demanding and gruesome. Training can also be extremely rewarding. This is what my friend is experiencing now, and it's the same for me. We are both reaping the "gains" or "rewards' for our consistency, hard work, and being willing to do the work. It feels really fabulous.

 Getting up at 3:45-4:00am isn't for everyone. It's a choice that I made to get the work in. The work is paying off and the paces I'm currently hitting are paces I've never thought I could run in my adult life. I'm overwhelmed with gratefulness this week. 

 Just a reminder, people are watching. Something it feels like they aren't and all the hard work doesn't really matter. I was reminded this week that is does matter and eventually someone says something. I know, most people will ever fully understand what I do to make training a possibility in my life, and that's okay. I still hope to show y'all a little piece of what I do to help you move forward in a positive way in your life. 

If you are taking the time to read this, love to you 😘

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