Sunday, May 8, 2022

Marathon Training: Week Fifteen

My biggest question this week is, "how in the world are we already at week 15?"

Seriously! A marathon training seems like it's long, yet it goes by so fast. As much work as I do, as well as it goes, I'll never feel 100% ready. It's part of the deal. The marathon is a hard race. I will do my very best in training all the way up until race day, June 4th. I will not be sure how the weather will be that day or how I will feel when I wake up that morning. I will continue to focus on what I can control and that's getting up every day and doing my workout. I will bank on my training to get me to the finish line because the marathon won't run itself.

The one thing I have learned from training for marathons is you cannot fake it to the finish line. You have to put the work in. You have to run the miles, and you need to have a good mindset. If the weather is bad, suck it up and trust your training. 

This last week I was pretty exhausted. Not just from training, but from other things in my life. I'm actually thankful for the training right now. Although training like I do could become a stressor in daily life, it's become a stress relief for me. The running early before work sets up my mind and body for a better day. I feel accomplished and strong. I get to clear my head and have time to myself. I have greatly benefitted from "simply showing up for myself." 

Are you having trouble getting started or showing up for yourself? I've found a few things that have helped me, so maybe they'll help you 😘

Write down your workout schedule monthly and go over it weekly. Schedule the workouts like a dentist appointment. I find if I think of it as an appointment, I just do it. 

Ask someone to meet up with you. If you're having problems getting out the door, meeting a friend may help. When I schedule to meet my friend, I am way more likely to show up.

Set out your workout clothes the day before. This makes getting going less stressful. Everything is out and ready for you to get moving. 

Make up a new playlist. When I workout alone I often listen to music. Some people prefer a good podcast. Whatever the case, this is really helpful in getting that workout in.

You are in charge of your own thoughts and actions. Please hit me up if you're wanting to be more active and need help getting started. You are worth it! 


Run Love, Self Love

This morning I headed to the hills for an easy run on sore legs. The ache I felt was a good ache. The ache that you know you ran a good trai...