Saturday, August 12, 2023

Pacific Northwest Inspired Thoughts

 Recently some questions about "why you run" were posted on a social media page I follow. Typically I scroll past such things but for some reason, I begin to really think about some of my "whys." 

The first question, "How are you working to achieve your goals?"

    I believe that working my running habits into my lifestyle is the best way to help me achieve my goals. As life changes. As I grow as a person. As life battles come into play, I choose to get out my calendar out weekly, monthly and even yearly to think about how running will work into my schedule. I put it on my calendar like a personal appointment. When I want to cancel on myself, I think about how I feel when I'm done with a run (always good). It's a struggle, but as I've built this habit over many years. My mind is pretty good at getting the job done. As most of you know, running isn't just about the physical, but the mental as well. I have found that if I can get my mind to allow me just get out the door, I NEVER regret it and always end up having a better day because of it. 

    Because I have worked running into my lifestyle, it allows me to train as needed. I am a distant runner who runs year round. I am not always "in training" but I have realized that part of abstaining goals is taking a break during my off season. This summer has been my "off season" so I'm been working on building a stronger running base for myself. I have learned that consistency mixed with lots of easy miles is making me stronger. It's given me a mental break from a more ridged training plan and allows me to mix up my easy runs more. 

    When Fall hits, I will be ready to start getting more serious with a bit more race pace miles and be ready to hit the ground running for Winter training. 

    For me, I work on achieving my goals by my "mindset." This can be challenging, but little things I've done over the years has slowly given me the mindset I need to move forward in not only running goals, but my goals in life too. It's amazing how mindset, (good or bad) overflows into all areas of our lives.

Next question was, "What challenges are you facing?"

     Challenges in life are typically coming at us daily. Some of my obvious challenges are, working full time (10.5 hour days). I am worth nothing (so tired) after work so I choose to get my run in before most people even think about hitting the snooze button. I also have a couple odd jobs I do every week cutting into my schedule, but it's a little bonus money that helps with my running habits and family fun. I have my family. My family is wonderful but also, balancing family activities, home life, vacations, appointments, getting two dogs out to run's a lot in itself and then add hardships that come into play. This is just the surface but you get the point! We all deal with challenges, it's a normal part of life.

    My challenges are my everyday life, from work to balancing my family time and personal struggles.

Question 3, "Why are you persisting?"

    As an adult, I started running in October 2008. I didn't know why at the time. It was really hard and I hated it. My left knee would hurt so bad I would come home after a run and cry. I wanted to be a runner so bad, but it was also horrible. In a nutshell, I kept going. I had to back up over and over again and scale back the miles and intensity. I slowly built up the tendons around my knee and no longer had pain. Injuries have come and gone over the years but I had something in me that wanted to persistently keep going. I couldn't let it go. 

    Looking back over the last 15 years of running I've not just grown as a runner, I've grown friendships, self esteem, confidence, better health and have been able to help numerous people. As all these things come along, the payoff is "lets keep persevering. It's worth it because lives are being changed for the better! I can't stop because I know that my running is making me a better person, helping others and sometimes even saving others. It's a huge huge deal and I don't take it lightly. Running can literally save someone from a world of anxiety and depression. Running also can save people from living on the couch to getting their heart and lunges working like they should. I thank God daily for the gift of running! 

Question 4, "Who is helping you?"

    I feel like my biggest helper is myself, a daily choice. Daily I must choose if I'm getting out of bed to hit the streets for a run. I must help myself. When it comes down to it, no one will do it for me. I also have a husband who helps me by running with me when his schedule allows, who also fell in love with running after spending most of his life hating it. Now he is a running coach. I have used his plan a few times now and it's led me to be a faster half and full marathon time. I have friends who I train and run with, they help me by showing up and just simply being there. My community had helped me. When I accomplished a lifetime goal this last year, my co-workers, friends and community supported my efforts and helped encourage me as I raised funds to get to my destination and asked to hear my story. Community is everything! 

"Overcoming Challenges to Achieve Your Goals." 

  What I have learned in life is when things are calm and good, enjoy it, as things will change. When things are very hard, don't worry, they will get better! I've had challenges from injuries, job changes, family changes (kids growing up) and so on and so forth. We all have challenges. Some of these challenges have lead to dark seasons of life or what I like to call "the in-between time." It's the time where you know things have to change or are in the mist of changing but the in-between is so hard, so  uncertain. I have found that with my running schedule I have something to always look forward too. If things are going well, I rejoice in the pleasure of running, training and giving myself fuel for a healthier body. When things are challenging, I rejoice as running brings me clarity, comfort, structure, and comfort. Running is medicine and life changing. 

Thank you Pacific Northwest Marathon for challenging me with my thoughts today, This race is ran by folks who truly care about people, their stories and want to see people encouraged. If you're looking for a flat course, this is your race! Flat as a pancake and have the best apples at the finish line every year. 

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