Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hood to Coast 2016 ~ Team UBERTHONS ~ Relay Packing List

I have lots of mixed emotions about Hood to Coast.  I've run it three times and made some great memories and gotten some great running friends out of it.  It's it's own beast and very different than  running a morning race!  I also have memories of puking my guts out because I over exerted myself and then drank chocolate milk that didn't agree with me....but that's another story! 

This year I got invited to be on Team Uberthons .  It's Uberthons first year of having a H2C team and I am honored to be on the team. 

2016 is the 35th year for Hood To Coast.  All teams will start on the top of Mt. Hood and end in Seaside.  My team will have two vans, six runners in each van for a total of twelve.  My team also has three wonderful volunteers who will be helping out on the course. 
This year I am in van one and am the fourth runner.  Leg 4 is 7.18 miles.  Leg 16, 3.92 miles. Leg 28, 4.9 miles.  Out of the 12 legs, this is ranked 11th hardest.  I am beyond thrilled. In years passed, I've done the harder legs. I'm hoping to relax a little more this time! Haha, if you have done H2C you know there isn't much "relax" time, yet I still have hope! 

In my van will be two Rookies on this Hood to Coast experience.
  I thought it would be good to send them a packing list and include you too, just in case you need a reminder.  I have used this every year I have done H2C.  It was wrote up by a good friend of mine, who after running H2C for the first time, forgot clean underwear for her final change at the beach (how tragic).  You may not want to pack everything on this list.  You may want to add to this list, but either way, it will help get you started! 
Happy Running Friends!

Hood To Coast packing list. 
 Made by my good friend in 2010 and still good in 2016! 
Gear for the Road:
3 running outfits in gallon ziplocks-shorts, shirt, socks, underwear, bra (take clean clothes out, put sweaty clothing in and zip shut)
1 ziplocked outfit for after last run
2 pairs running shoes (it may rain and it's nice to have dry shoes)
flip flops
body glide and foot glide
 fuel belt or handheld 
shot bloks
baby wipes
travel pillow
sleeping bag rated for very low temps
stocking hat
warm gloves 
warm winter jacket 
band aids
cash for food stands along the roadside
ear plugs
hand hotties 
electrolyte pills 

Food in cooler: 
3 starbucks coffees in glass bottles
3 electrolyte drinks
water bottles
6 cheese sticks
small box triscuits
cliff bars
1 peanut butter & jelly sandwich
1 turkey sandwich
trail mix
thermos for hot coffee
frozen water bottles to keep things cold
(other food was purchased along the way)
Beach Bag for the end of H2C:
body wash
blow dryer
phone charger 
extra underwear - forgot in 2010-not recommended
lightweight pants
clean shirt
Expenses on the road:
Gas money (depending on if we paid it already or not)
H2C gear at the beach $20-$50
Food on the road $20-$30

One thing I would add is toilet paper.  I have seen port-a-potties run out (oh the horror!)

Who else out there is on a Hood To Coast team this year?  I would love to here from you over on facebook at ZaoFit

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Oregon Marathon ~ July 16 2016 ~ An Uberthons Event

Saturday (July 16 '16) was my 10th marathon and 4th attempt for a

BQ (Boston Qualifier). I choose The Oregon Marathon on the Banks to Vernonia trail. This marathon is put on by Uberthons

 Uberthons races are my favorite! I ran this race 2013. It was the year of the Typoonathon. It was a very stormy race!  I have always wanted to go back and run that trail again under better training and better weather!  That did happened Saturday! 

Uberthons offered a bib pick up on Thursday before the race.  My husband and I went to this and helped hand out goody bags, shirts, and answer questions the runner had.  I was so glad to be able to do this.  It was fun to talk to people and learn where they were from.  It helped me get pumped for Saturday's race.

The finish line, early Saturday morning! 

Saturday came. Jerry and I were up early! We arrived at Greenville Park in Banks, OR about 5:20 am.  We saw the finish line sitting there just waiting! It was so calm! It was a beautiful Oregon morning! 

We decided to get loaded onto a bus and get to the starting line as soon as possible.  

The early marathon start 6:30 am
The bus ride wasn't bad. We arrived at Vernonia High School around 6:15am.  It was light out, 51 degrees with a very light mist! I went into the school and used the restrooms. I sat outside and talked to a guy who was running his 69th marathon today! He said he is five states away from running a marathon in every state.  He took off with the early starters at 6:30am.  I used the restroom again and then got my stuff to bag check.  There was a wonderful group of kids helping with bag check.  I was so impressed with them, they were so excited to help! Before long, it was almost 7:00 am and time to line up. All I felt was, I'm ready for this! 
We were off.....

As we took off I felt 
comfortable.  I remembered lots of the course from 2013 and I felt calm. We ran a short loop around the front of the school and then out on the road.

Miles 1 to 3 
Soon we were running around Vernonia lake. I had split the race up in my head.  I knew by the end of the lake we would be at about mile three.  This was just the beginning of the marathon.  A warm up before heading out onto the Banks to Vernonia Trail. The plan was to get comfortable and run my tempo pace. My tempo pace is suppose to be between a 8:10 and an 8:15 min/mi.  I was going a little fast, but I didn't feel stressed.  It was only mile three!  I did need to slow it down a little.

Next break up in my head, mile four to eight.  This would be fairly flat miles.  I could just run a comfortable tempo and stay calm. These miles should be very simple and non stressful. 
I continued to go slightly too fast, then got it under control about mile seven. I was feeling very very good.  I was excited to know I was a little ahead on pace because I knew the hard part of the course was coming up.

Miles nine to thirteen/fourteen I knew could give me problems.  At mile eight the course started going uphill slightly for several miles ending with two steep switchback, crossing a road then heading up a pretty steep section for about three-fourths of a mile.  I knew I would be slowing down for some of this. 
As I started into mile eight I tried to really focus in. The mental part of running is so important and can make or break a race.  Mile after mile, I was surprised at how well I was holding it together. I saw a penny.  My rule is to never stop for #foundchange while racing.  I kept going! I continued to feel really good.  My pace slipped slightly from mile ten to twelve as expected, but I was prepared for that.  It was up-hill after all.  Mile thirteen was the steeper uphill right after the switchbacks.  My heart was pounding going up the steep part of the hill.  I needed to add some carb-pro to my water bottle and get a salt pill to take at the next water station.  I walked for a second for the first time.  I got my heart rate back down, and got adjusted and started running again at the top of the hill. I was feeling great!!!! I knew the faster part of the course was just ahead! 

I was looking forward to miles fifteen to twenty!  This was a gradual downhill.  It should be easy to get back to my tempo marathon pace!  Maybe even make up some of that up-hill lost time.  As I begin to speed back up I felt good for the most part.  I was back on track and feeling like I was going to make my goal of 3:40.  I even had thoughts of possibly beating my goal time.  I was really happy. I saw another penny!  I ran on passed it!  Wasn't worth the seconds to stop for it!  By this time the runners had spread out. I was pretty alone on the course.  I was passing an occasional early starter and tried to say hello to each and every one of them.  Everyone seemed to be doing well, and in good spirits.  My plan right now was just to run to mile twenty.  I knew around twenty would be a water/nuun/ice towel station, followed by a short out and back on Sell road.  
At mile nineteen I started for feel off.  It worried me slightly.  I had to remind myself, I was almost there, just make it to twenty...then,  just run it in!  If only it were that easy!!!!

As I went past the aid station, I quickly added water to my hand-held and took a ice towel. The cold towel felt so good on the back of my neck, then I dropped it!  There was no way I was stopping to pick it up, so I ran on.  I was starting to hurt! I headed out onto sell road.  I saw a person or two going the other way on the out-and-back.  All men!  An early marathon starter had told me I was third female a few miles back.  The first two females were too far ahead to see.  

Mile twenty-one! I began to hurt even worse.  My legs!  I heard some heavy breathing coming up on my tail.  Nobody had passed me for miles!  It was a tall lady in red.  She, was so excited as she came up on me. She said, "I've been chasing you since mile two! I finally caught up with you!"  I told her she was now the third women and I struggled on.  I couldn't go.  Shortly later, one more person passed me, another women!  

Things began to get painfully worse.  I felt as if I needed to puke.  I stopped for a second and just dry heaved.  There were blackberries along the trail.  I wanted to stop and eat them but I knew better.   I was hungry and thirsty.  I had water but when I drank, I mostly just spit it out.  I didn't feel dehydrated, just exhausted.  It had gotten rather muggy out.  A few men passed me coming out of the trail onto the sidewalk in Banks.  One was really nice and encouraged me to finish under four hours.  By this time, there were lots of walkers. They were either from the early marathon start or the half marathon.  It didn't matter, it was just was nice seeing other people out there trucking away, making their way to the finish line! Miles 24, 25, and 26 were extremely painful.  Those miles not only were painful to my body, but to my mind as well.  I just didn't have it in me!  The painful truth hit.  I was very well trained for a good 20 mile race, but very under trained for a 26.2 mile race.  
In distance running there is no "luck." You get what you train for.  I knew where I fell short over the last four-five months.  I know what I have to improve on!  
I ended The Oregon Marathon with a 3:57:04 (9:02 pace) time.  I came in fifth overall female, and first in my age group.  I PRed the course but It was NOT a lifetime PR.  I have ran two other marathons faster.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed.  I was disappointed. I was also happy.  Many people want to run and can't.  I enjoyed the course and the people out there. I got to run a Summer Marathon for the first time.  I ran on one of the most beautiful courses in Oregon.  I finished my tenth marathon! 
I got to train with some of the most awesome and encouraging friends. So, in that, I feel I gained more than I lost.  I didn't BQ, but I WILL try again next year! 

Thank you Eileen! 
My family was waiting for me at the finish line.  I sat in the grass for a long time.  My friend Eileen had made me cookies. I got up and picked them up from the timing tent and found out my official time. Then I had to sit again.  Soon I was able to get up and enchange my race shirt for a different size, then I sat again.  I felt a bit nauseous.

I decided to go to the other side of the finish line where the chairs and shade were and get some iced lemonade. My 12 year old Rylan and I sat and drank the delicious lemonade.  We both got up to use the port-a-potties and I started puking and puking.  My poor Rylan just stood there not knowing if he should
 help me or pretend he doesn't know me!  I felt so bad for him!  My Mom got worried and came over with water and told me I needed to drink.  I was fine, really!  Just tired!  My family ate burgers and ice cream and I sat and drank my water, just happy to be done!

Rylan and I sat and sat, then I puked and puked! 
Uberthons out did themselves for this race!  They did an excellent job making this race enjoyable for locals and out of state runners.  They set up a family friendly finish line with plenty of food for finishers and family.  They started promptly on time and had volunteers available to answer questions. I used the ice towels at three aid stations.  There was nuun and water readily available numerous times on the course.  I look forward to coming back on July 15th 2017 to PR that course again!!!!  

Will you join me? Check out details for 

Follow me on facebook at ZaoFit HERE
I would love to here your story!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Marathon Training ~ Week 16 ~ The Final Six Days!

The final week of marathon training has finally arrived.  Six short days until The Oregon Marathon on July 16th!
  The biggest question from people this week, "ARE YOU READY?" Whenever asked that, I'm not really sure what to say.  For a marathon, you put yourself through months of training and, if done correctly, your body is ready! Being ready and feeling ready are two different things!  I've never "felt ready" to race a marathon. I could indeed run a marathon most any weekend, but racing it is different.  The lies in our head, the weather, stomach issues, fueling...all of this plays a part.  Most people who train could use some help in at least one area.  So, to answer the question, "are you ready?" Yes I do believe I'm ready but I'm also very nervous I won't be able to handle my own thoughts out there on the course.  There will be good times and bad times on Saturday during that 26.2 miles.  There will be times I feel like I can do this and then it will get hard and I will have to push my mind and body to a different place to keep pace.  This is the hard part.  This is what make the marathon worth it.  When you push your mind and body to do this and finish, you feel like you can do anything!  It's worth the pain and it's worth the struggle.  
Start of The OR Marathon in 2013
Heading down the switchbacks, The OR Marathon 2013
I do have a couple of goals.  I like to make an A goal, a B goal and a C goal for most of my races.  I usually only share my B goal.  This time, I will share them all.  My A goal is a 3:40 marathon.  This has been my goal for the last three marathon and I haven't been able to do it.  I need a 12:43 minute PR in order to do this. My B goal is to run a 3:42.  This time would still qualify me for Boston with 3 minutes to spare.  To actually get into Boston you need a cushion on your qualifying time because the faster times get in first.   My C goal, this time, there isn't one.  It's time to do this! 
Getting close to the end, The Oregon Marathon 2013
Last time I ran this course it was the year of the Typhoonathon. September of 2013.  I was trying to qualify for Boston for the first time and really struggled out on the course.  I finished with a very wet, windy, disappointing 4:08:38. Not even a PR.
Last year I ran my fastest to date marathon at Newport Marathon (June '15) clocking in at 3:53:17.  I really struggled at mile 17 and never regained my pace.  I walked away knowing I will try again.  It was disappointing. 
I am excited about Saturday.  I remember the course, what I liked about it, what I didn't like.  Some changes have been made to the end and that makes it much better.  I seriously want to "own" that course on Saturday! 
Last Monday (4th of July) I ran a 5k with my 12 year old.  It was a perfect 4th of July morning! Great job on your PR Rylan!

Last week's training and again for this week, it will be very low key.  Going out for a little less milage, mostly all slow and easy.  Just trying to keep what I have trained for and stay loose.  
Looking forward to Saturday! 
Final week of Marathon training. 
Run with me July 11th to the 17th
Monday - Friday will all me afternoon easy runs.
Saturday, 7:00 am The Oregon Marathon.
Let me know if you can run! ‪#‎ZaoFit‬

ZaoFit's photo.

Check out Uberthons upcoming races HERE, they are seriously great! 

My Soxy Feet athletic socks can be found HERE. Kids and adult sizes.

SPANDITS athletic clothing can be found HERE.

Find me on facebook at ZaoFit HERE.  I would love to hear your story!
Twitter HERE!
Instagram HERE!
Athletic IQ HERE

Monday, July 4, 2016

Marathon Training Week 15 ~ The Oregon Marathon

Found change from Tonya's run she left on my car at work!!!!

12 days until The Oregon Marathon! YIKES!
I'm starting to get nervous feelings when I think about July 16th! 
I'm starting to obsess about the weather and think about the finish line! It's almost here! 
This week was my last week of doing cross training with Olivia

After one of my easy "hot" afternoon runs this week!

at Fitness with Studio Fuego until after the marathon is over.  I do believe these classes are going to help me run stronger for the marathon.  This is my first time doing  cross training for all of marathon training. 
Great group run. Hills and a good peach! 16.6 miles!
This week I did easy runs, hill work and a long run.

  I'm working on trying to figure out 
what to use for hydration! I've tried three different packs, and two handhelds.  I'm not completely satisfied with any of them. I do know, I will use carbo pro and water! But what to carry it in is stressing me out! 

Nothing too exciting to report! I need to just stay calm and stay steady this week!  Hoping to run with some friends to help ease my mind! I do have the most awesome running friends ever! 
Happy Fourth of July!!!

The Oregon Marathon ~ What to expect on July 16th
If you are running The Oregon Marathon you may be getting a little nervous like me! Here a few things that may help you calm down!
Arrive in Banks about 5:20-5:40 am.  You will need to park and walk over to the High School.  My advice would be, park where the finish line is at the end of NW Trellis Way.  It's very close to the High School. We will get on school buses, and be driven to the starting line. The first bus will leave at 5:30 and the last at 6:00.  Don't plan on riding the last bus, it may be full! 
The Marathon will start at 7:00 am! Darwin is really good about starting us in small waves so the we don't trip over each other.  This race is chip timed.  
If you're worried about the heat (like me), there will be four aid stations with ice water towels. I will proably take one at all four stations! There will be thirteen stations set up with Nuun and water for hydration. 
If you are trying to qualify for Boston, note, this IS certified course. If you ran, the year of the "typhoonathon" you may remember the zigzagging at the end.  The never ending rain, the never ending 45 mile an hour winds, the rain, did I mention the rain??? It was crazy!  This year the end is different.  In my opinion, it's better!  We will not be doing any zigzagging!  We will come off the Banks trail and run down Main.  We will turn from Main onto NW Trellis Way and make a straight shot to the finish line! We are making up the zigzagging part about mile 20.  We will take do a short out-and-back on NW Sell Rd. And ... this year no typhoon!  (Read about The Inaugural Oregon Marathon '13 AKA ~ Typhoonathon HERE!)

So tell me, are YOU running the Oregon Marathon or Half Marathon on July 16th?  I would love to hear from you! 
Register for The Oregon Marathon -----> HERE! <-----

As Darwin (Uberthons Race Director and Owner) would say, "The 2016 event will certainly draw the area's top runners and best looking participants!"  Ha! I love it!
Run with me schedule: 
Run with me July 4th to the 10th. ‪#‎tapering‬ for ‪#‎theoregonmarathon‬ 
Monday, Uberthons Beaverton Freedomthon with Rylan
Tuesday to Friday, afternoon run
Saturday, 7:00 am long run (12 miles)
Sunday, 7:00 run
Let me know if you can meet this week in Dallas 
Check out Uberthons ----> HERE <---- Also, sign up to run The Oregon Marathon! Whoohoo!                   

Check out  My Soxy Feet athletic socks HERE They are fun and comfortable! 

Check out SPANDITS HERE! Hey have awesome workout/running clothing! 

Find me on facebook at ZaoFit HERE
I would love to here your story! 
Twitter HERE
Instagram HERE
Athlete IQ HERE 

Run Love, Self Love

This morning I headed to the hills for an easy run on sore legs. The ache I felt was a good ache. The ache that you know you ran a good trai...