Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Corvallis Half Marathon 2016 ~ Race Review

Sunday April 17th I ran the Corvallis Half Marathon for the first time.  It was a beautiful Oregon morning, almost too beautiful (hot) for a race! High 70's makes for a HOT run!  

I arrived at Gill Coliseum  early to meet up with friends, pick up my race bib and walk around the wellness expo.  There were lots of booths to check out with plenty of fun drawings going on. Some of the booths I visited were: Running Princess
and many many more!

We soon headed out to the starting line.  There were lots and lots of port-a-potties, so the lines were short. A nice bonus when racing! The OSU Band was playing and making the atmosphere fun. 
Great job OSU Band...super fun to see Jordan playing the flute 
 As we were moved into the gated area, we quickly found our pace group.  The sun was already out and I was glad I got a free sample of sunscreen at the wellness expo.  I knew it was a "sunburn" day.
We started promptly at 9:30
Ready to race!
 on the corner of 26th and Washington St.  This was a chip timed race, so I wasn't worried about being in the front.  Some of my friends and I started back with the 9:00 minute mile group. 
I had decided ahead of time to run with my friend Olivia.  Today she was running her very first half marathon and I wanted to stick with her!  
The course was fairly flat but there was a couple small inclines with a couple small declines.  It was a big loop.  Check out the interactive map here.  
There was lots and lots of volunteers out on the course giving us directions, cheering for us and handing out water.  It was wonderful.  
Around mile five, when heading into the Bald Hill Natural Area, two running friends came up behind Oliva and I.  What a fun surprise to see Alyssa and Susan.  All four of us ran together for many miles, talking about Boston, how horrible the heat was that morning. How great running is and how it brings us together.  It was really a fun running the middle miles with these awesome women.
The miles became a little bit of a struggle due to the heat.  Our pace had dropped but we were all still running strong.  As we ran down
 27th and then 26th street, Olivia kept telling me "it's hot."  I knew she just had a few more miles left, so I tried to think of things to talk about to keep her mind off the heat.  I don't think it was working! 

She stayed strong and soon we were at mile 13.  I told Olivia her finish line was right there and she took off for a nice strong finish.  It was beautiful! 
Olivia was right, it was hot out! 

A quick brag about Olivia.
  "She was hospitalized back in 2009 and almost died. In 2012 she had cancer.  After her cancer, she decides to reclaim her health.  She lost 70 lbs and started exercising. 

Olivia's before and now photo! 
 I currently go to her fitness
classes Fitness with Studio Fuego.  She decided to train for a half marathon because it was hard, and she wanted to challenge herself."

Check out her before and after photo to the right!  

After we crossed the finish line, we meet up with Olivia's family.  A few tears were shed and then we went over to the nice finish area for some food and water.  A journalist from the Democrat Herald came over and did a quick interview with Olivia. Check it out here.  

There was a nice beer garden area but I decided to head home.  I walked around Gill Coliseum to my car.  It was a perfect cool down.  
I really enjoyed running the Corvallis Half.  I plan on running it again next year! I am hoping for cooler weather for 2017! 

Read my Pre Race Preview for register information and more here.

Fun to see Susan! 

Katie, Lindsay and Sheila

My Soxy Feet ambassador and Corvallis Half Finisher.

Erica and Olivia finish their half marathon!

Find me on facebook at ZaoFit.  I would love to hear your story! Hope you can join me for next years Corvallis Half!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

~Marathon Training, Week 5~New Recipe ~

This last week flew by! Monday I ran early before the high 80s hit!  Tuesday I was going to run my tempo run, but woke up with a migraine.  The weather was changing and the extra pressure in the air can really mess my head up! Wednesday, I got up and was out the door by 5:00 am for the first tempo run of the season!  I was really excited to hit all my splits.  Ten miles, and it was a good one.  This week I want to try again the day after a speed workout.  Fatigued tempos at marathon pace, that's how I like to train for the last ten miles of the marathon! Thursday was a nice morning run followed by a Friday rest day.  

Saturday was ZaoFit's Geocaching Group Run.  Two friends started at 5:45 am with me for a six mile loop around town.  Then we meet up with four others up on Rob Mill road in Dallas.  We set off on a fifteen mile run, lead by Kim. Geocaching was in the mix of the long run.  It was fun, but the freshly poured gravel and uneven terrain brought some pain!  We had a few rolled ankles and lots of sore muscles. We ended with snack back at the van.  The weather was perfect and the company was grand! 

This morning (Sunday), I got to meet up with my friend Kristi for our first run since she got home from running Boston last Monday.  It was so fun to hear all about her adventure! 

This week my friend Kelleigh told me how to make a new drink.  I've been drinking it all week and though some of you would enjoy trying it! 

Good Girl Moonshine: 
Raspberry Iced Tea
Fresh Ginger
Apple Cider Vinegar
Stevia (optional)

Brew your tea, add ice and let cool.  Take some fresh ginger and put into a blender with water.  Blend up then add to tea.  Place leftovers onto an ice tray and freeze for next time.  Add a Tablespoon or two of Apple Cider Vinegar.  And Stevia if wanted.

This weeks schedule:  I'm starting full time hours at the hospital on Tuesday.  It's going to be an adjustment running after work instead of before.  My new hours are 5:30 am to 2:00 pm.  Running before work just isn't going to work anymore! 

Run with me April 25th to May 1st.
Monday 5:30 am, hour run (may do some speed work)
Tuesday afternoon thru Friday afternoon. Will be running after 2:00 (new work schedule) Let me know if you can meet up any of those days at 2:30 or later. 
Thursday 7:00 pm, HIIT class at Fitness with Studio Fuego
Saturday 7:00 am, group run 14 miles
Sunday out of town...rest day
Hope some locals can join me for a run or two! ‪#‎ZaoFit‬
 Follow me at ZaoFit on facebook. I would love to hear yours story! ~Julie
You can also find me on Instagram here
Twitter here
Athlete IQ here
Pinterest here

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Marathon Training Week Four

I can't believe I am in week four of marathon training already.  I feel like things are going well but it's time to ramp things up just a bit! I am going to start making sure I get in a weekly tempo run at marathon pace.  I will start this week's tempo run at six or seven miles at 8:15-8:20 pace and work up to ten miles in the next few weeks.  By next week, I will start adding in some speed work as well.  
This week was busy with work and a few other things but things will slow down some next week!  
I was given the honor of pacing a friend for her first half marathon this morning.  It was such a wonderful thing to watch her cross that finish line for the first time.  Tears were shed, and she walked away
From today's Corvallis Half
from that race somehow stronger!  I love that about running!  There is something that makes a person stronger after doing something hard.  Running a half or full marathon is very hard.  When you give it your all, it is such a powerful thing. I love you Olivia! 
I will be blogging about the Corvallis Half later this week, so stay tuned. 
This week I'm looking forward to a really fun group run on Saturday out on a country road.  I'm looking forward to pushing myself a little harder too! 

Run with me April 18th to April 24th...
Monday, 5:30 am, 60 min. run
Tuesday, 5:30 am, 60 min. tempo run at marathon pace.
Wednesday, 5:30 am, easy pace 60 min. run
Thursday, 7:00 PM Fitness with Studio Fuego HIIT class with Olivia
Friday, xtrain on the bike
Saturday, group run ... see event post for details. Gonna be a fun one.https://www.facebook.com/events/217221075287790/
Sunday, 7:30 am run
ZaoFit's photo.

I would love to hear your story, find me at ZaoFit on facebook here!
Twitter here!
Instagram here!
Athlete IQ here!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Marathon Training ~ Week 3 ~ Running with Friends

As I go into week three, training for The Oregon Marathon I am reminded how powerful running with others is.  This morning a  group of us met up in Independence. We all wanted to run with Kristi's before leaving to run The Boston Marathon. Running Boston is so many runners dream, and Kristi is getting live this dream next weekend!  As a group, I think we all feel we get a little piece of the experience, just knowing Kristi.  We are all so excited for her! 

We ran nine miles ending at The Pink House for breakfast to celebrate with Kristi.  As I sat there looking at everyone, I realized how different we all are.  We are such a diverse group. We get together to run and we have such a great time, simply running and sharing together.  Training with people has brought me the greatest friendships, taught me so much about people and life!  I love the people I run with.  I also think it's pretty cool that people actually want to run with us.  This morning a new girl showed up and she was welcomed to the group as if she had always been a part!  I love that!!!
I sure don't mind to run a lone at times, I think it's good for my head, but I always look forward to meeting up with the group!  I love them! 

Follow me at ZaoFit on facebook!
  I would love to hear your story!
Twitter here
Instagram here
Athletic IQ here
This week at a glace:
April 11th - April 17th
Monday, 5:00 am, 50 min run
Monday, 6:15 PM, RIPPED with Olivia at Fitness with Studio Fuego
Tuesday, 5:00 am, 50 min run
Wednesday, 5:30 am hour run

Wednesday, 5:30 am hour run
Thursday, 5:30 am hour run
Friday, 5:00 am long run
Saturday out of town, hope to get in an short afternoon run.
Sunday, 9:30 am, the Corvallis Half Marathon
*subject to change depending on who\if anyone is meeting up for the day, so be sure and send a message my way! smile emoticon 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Marathon Training ~ Week Two ~ Fueling

I'm starting up week two of Marathon training! Week one went well for the most part.  I did overeat on Friday.  I sometimes freak out a little the day before a long run.  I ate three muffins at work!  No joke, 3 muffins!!!!  :(  

I got in my running for the week and two core workouts. My son is playing tennis for Dallas (Senior Year) and I'm working a lot of hours at the hospital as a fill in.  Juggling everything is a small challenge.  Sitting down once a week to make a plan sure helps!

Monday, my husband Jerry and I meet up with our friend Chris who recently ran Pac Rim.  He filled us in on that amazing Ultra race!  I still can't wrap my mind around the miles Chris runs! Tuesday to Friday I ran really early with my friend Kim and new friend Tonya.  One day was a nice tempo pace with Kim and one day off.  I was feeling good! 

Saturday I was planning a 14 miler long run, but it quickly turned into a 20 miler after talking to a few friends who needed more miles for their training.  I'm really glad it changed.  It was such a great 20 miler. 
I have been wanting to run my long runs a little faster than last season.  I have also wanted to find a way to fuel better for long runs.  I have issues with lots of the typical things runners will fuel with on a long run.  Gu and Gels will make my stomach turn. Gatorade/Poweraid...NO thank you!  Chocolate milk after, I'll puke that right up (that's another story)! I'm scared to try much of anything because of the past issues I've dealt with.  
My way of dealing with my issues, is simply not to fuel during a long run.  I drink water, that is it.  This is what I've been doing for a few years now.
My long run morning go like this, 45-60 mins before...wake up, drink 16 ounces of water.  Sometimes I add a hydration tablet like a Nuun.  Then I eat one piece of toast on my special bread with a thin layer of peanut butter and my allergy pill.  I go to the bathroom two or three times, get my running clothes on and I'm off with my Garmin Vivoactive and plain water in my Nathans Pack.  This is my first time using the Nathans Pack for a marathon.  I don't want to carry my handheld this time. 
My husband has been really concerned about my lack of fueling and doing a lot of research on my behalf. He recently ordered  some Carbo Pro and insisted that I give it a try.  It's a pure complex carb and it is supposed to be ok for people who have stomach issues.  I thought, it would be good to try now, so early in training.  I mixed up 20 ounces and added it to my pack instead of water!  Off I went!

The first six miles was an easy loop around town with four friends.  We looped back around to meet one other friend for the final 14 miles.  We ran a huge loop around Dallas, ending with some good hills!  The weather was amazing! We started at about 44 degrees and ended in the high 50's.  
Every one of us had a great run Saturday.  It was a fun run talking to everyone about upcoming races.  The Eugene Marathon, Boston Marathon, The Pacific Northwest Marathon, The Oregon Marathon and Silver Falls 50k.  What a group! They all inspire me so much!
The hills are hard for me, but I always welcome them because I know the benefits and it also breaks up a long run nicely.  Using different muscle groups is a plus for recover too.  The final two or three miles flattened out and I was able to finish strong and so did everyone else.
At no point during my long run did my stomach hurt.  I had some mix left in my pack, so I added it to my post long run protein shake.   So far, so good!  I will continue with the Carbo Pro! 

Thank you everyone who joined me this week for a run!  Your company is wonderful! 

Follow me on Facebook at ZaoFit
Instagram Here
Twitter Here 
Athlete IQ Here

Some of my running friends blog about their races.
Follow Where Chris Runs Here
Follow Chris and Staci as they train for Silver Falls 50k Here

Run with me April 4th - 10th:
Monday, 5:00 am, 50 min run
Monday, 5:15 PM, RIPPED w/Olivia at Fitness with Studio Fuego
Tuesday, 5:00 am, 50 min run
Wednesday, 5:00 am, 50 min marathon tempo run
Thursday, 5:30 am, 60-70 mins of running
Fri\Sat Can't run (so sad)
Sunday, 7:00 am group run for food. Meet at Roth's in Independence for a 10 mile run, ending at Pink House Cafe for a no host breakfast to see Kristi off to The Boston Marathon! I will be posting other meetings points and times, in case you want to run the last 5 or 6 miles instead of the 10. Message me for any questions!
As always, this is subject to change depending on who can meet me or not meet me so let me know if you're coming so no one is left behind!

Run Love, Self Love

This morning I headed to the hills for an easy run on sore legs. The ache I felt was a good ache. The ache that you know you ran a good trai...